MARIA BRINK of IN THE MOMENT | Natal Chart Examination 2021 | Black Moon Lilith & More!
#MariaBrink of #InThisMoment has one incredible natal chart (even without a time of birth)! Maria, the #mother of metal, has a vocal range of a goddess, unmatched fashion, and has led her band to the top of the metal/alternative/hard rock world. In This Moment has had a big impact in this genre with songs like "Whore", "The In-Between", "As Above, So Below", "Blood", "Big Bad Wolf", and many many more!
Maria's lyrics are deeply connected to her journey and display her status as a leader in women's empowerment, racial and gender equality. She's not afraid to stop her show to address an overly aggressive man in the crowd and demand respect to all of her fans enjoying themselves.
In this video, I chat with the Queen of Lilith, Adama Sesay of Lilith Astrology to talk about Maria's Black Moon Lilith and many other aspects of her natal chart.
If you enjoy this video please like, share, and subscribe and support your fellow ITM/Maria Brink fans! We love her as much as you do!
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